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Myopia Is On The Rise Amongst Children And Teens

New research suggests myopia will affect 740m children and teenagers by 2050. More than one in three children and teenagers already suffer from myopia, or shortsightedness, but experts say this number will rise sharply over the next few decades.

Myopia is a very common form of refractive error where distant objects appear blurred whilst close objects are clear. This is caused by the light from distant objects being focused in front of the retina (the light sensitive tissue at the back of the eyes) instead of directly onto it. Myopia is mainly caused by the axial length (front to back length of the eye) becoming too long.

Myopia can run in the family but can also occur as a result of environmental factors including too much close work (screen time and reading) and not enough time outdoors. It can develop at any age but usually begins in children from the age of 6 to 13. It can get worse until the eyes stop growing, at around twenty years of age.

Patients who are short-sighted have difficulty reading text from a distance. For example, school age children may find it difficult to read the whiteboard at school. Other signs include sitting very close to the TV or computer screen as well as suffering from headaches or rubbing eyes.

Myopia is a global issue. By 2050, it’s predicted that half the world’s population will have myopia. Here in the UK, the prevalence of myopia in children aged between 10-16 years has more than doubled over the last 50 years, and children are becoming myopic at a younger age.

If your child has myopia, there are now several clinically proven options available that can slow the rate of axial elongation and myopic progression. If left untreated, myopic progression results in children having poorer distance vision, requiring thicker lenses for their spectacles. There is also a significantly increased risk of other eye health issues arising in the future.

We strongly recommend annual eye checks for children to ensure any issues can be identified and treated early. To book an appointment, just click here. Following an in-depth eye examination, one of our expert optometrists will advise on the best course of treatment going forward.

Do get in touch if you have any other questions about myopia management or eye examinations for children – our expert team will be happy to help.